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Washington State Patrol
Spouses Association


Dedicated to the families of the Washington State Patrol.

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Our love is Law Enforcement Strong

WSPSA Mission

The Washington State Patrol Spouses Association (WSPSA) supports, serves and encourages community among the spouses and families of the Washington State Patrol through community service projects, fundraisers, building meaningful relationships and reaching out to one another. 

WSPSA Vision 

The WSPSA strives to create a network of community, friendship and support across all Districts of the Washington State Patrol, as well as create opportunities for healthy relationships with other Law Enforcement Support Organizations. We aim to be one of the first thoughts in the minds of the WSP families when it comes to a place to turn in times of need whether it be emotional, physical or monetary support or celebration.

Why should I become a member? 

The WSPSA is an optional organization for spouses of Troopers, WSP Employees and supporters can contribute to. Nothing we do is funded by the State Patrol, so we depend on the funds of our members and supporters to carry on our mission.


You are not in this alone.

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We are here.

Whether we have been a Law Enforcement Spouse for a minute, a year, or a decade, there is a bond that is forged with those in the same situation. We are proud of the career our spouses have been called to, even though it effects our whole family in both the best and the hardest ways. Our agency may span the state, but we are one family. We are here to build community and support each other through the ups and downs only we can understand.  

Please see our resources and contact us, if you need anything - even if it’s just to ask a question or vent.